All party members and the people as a whole are full of vigour . 党员和人民的精神状态很好。
All parties work from the same body of information . 各方进行工作时所依据的是同样的一批情报。
Thus, as if fate seemed determined to inflame and increase the poor child's malady and passion, all circumstances and all parties round about her urged it on . 这样,仿佛命运决心要跟这可怜的孩子作对,使她的痛苦和爱情有增无减,更加炽烈,她周围的一切和所有的人都在给这种情绪推波助澜。
I think it ' s best for all parties considered if we - - 我想为了大家好,如果我们. .
I think it ' s best for all parties considered if we - 我想为了大家好,如果我们